Last time I wrote about Fordham, it was back in the new year when this year’s team was still struggling mightily, only having one win in A10 play. I talked to two longtime fans of the program who gave me insight on their perspective of the team as well as their insider information on where the program is headed. If you want to read more about that, read my last article on Fordham here.
On April 3rd, it was announced on Twitter that Fordham men’s basketball will be going through major changes, both at the AD and head coaching positions. Later on that day, it was announced that Fordham athletic director David Roach is retiring. There is some speculation that he was forced to retire, but nonetheless, Roach is out. In comes Ed Kull as the interim atheltic director until the board finds a new athletic director to take over. Kull has been the Senior Director of Development and Senior Associate Athletic Director at Fordham for the past three years. He will take over starting on July 1st.
Due to the current pandemic taking over the world, it will be difficult for Fordham to find a new AD, especially someone who will make the men’s basketball program a priority. Not only will there be a new face running Fordham athletics, but the role of this position will be vastly different that in the past. The former athletic director never worked directly with the university president, which resulted in nothing getting accomplished for the program. With the new AD, this will change as the new director will work directly with the university president. This will be the first big step to turning the basketball program around.
As for Jeff Neubauer’s job, it seems stable for the time being. Neubauer has not been successful in his four years in the Bronx, which means he could be relieved of his duties before next season. However, his contract still has one year left, and his buyout is $500,000. That’s a lot to pay a man who has not been successful. To Neubauer’s credit, he has not had any off-season departures as of now, so his young team headlined by Ty Perry and Joel Soriano will be back in the Bronx as of now. Neubauer could be granted his last remaing year on his contract due to the large buyout amount but also to try and grow from a year ago. We shall see what happens, but I cannot imagine Neubauer lasting after next season.
With the new AD, one change that is expected to come to Fordham includes a new sports training and medical center that includes a nutrition center for student-athletes. Most universities that are serious about their basketball program have this, which Fordham desperately needs to up their game in the recruiting department, especially with being in the A10 and every program committing 100% to men’s basketball. Improvements to other facilities, including Rose Hill Gym, are also on the table.
Big things are ahead for Fordham men’s basketball. The university is committed to being in the A10, so there is no need to speculate that they will change conferences as well. Fordham has the capabilities to commit 100% to men’s basketball, and it looks like they are finally taking the first steps to getting on the right track to being a successful program in the A10.
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