Chris (not_privatepyle), Anthony Morelli (@jelly_morelli), and Daniel Frank (@n1a2v3y4) give their team takes after the Tuesday and Wednesday games. Daniel provides the last seeding update and scenarios before the final weekend of conference play. The guys do a little who’s hot and who’s not, A10 trivia, and a what to watch for the final weekend of games. The back part of the episode features an interview with Duquesne basketball player Mike Bekelja.
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Time stamps:
Team takes – 2:28
-Order: Richmond, UMass, Saint Louis, VCU, Saint Joseph’s, Dayton, Davidson, St. Bona, Mason, GW, La Salle, Duquesne
29:10 – Seed update
34:26 – Who’s Hot? Who’s Not?
40:35 – Trivia
45:26 – What to watch for
52:20 – Interview with Mike Bekelja
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